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Dance Lesson
Image by Bruno Horwath

Cadenza Ballet offers the following classes in classical ballet training at seven levels:

  • Classical Technique 

  • Pre-Pointe

  • Pointe

  • Variations (learning classical repertoire)

  • Partnering (when interest is established)

  • Contemporary/Lyrical: NEW FOR 2024-2025 Dance Year! (One level: Beg/Int)

  • Jazz (New Class forming soon!)


Pre-Pointe Class is designed for any student at any level to work on fundamental strength in the feet and legs, as well as solidify technique to prepare for pointe work.

This class is also excellent for any student wanting to condition for their ballet classes, regardless of pointe aspirations.

Pointe Class is for those students beginning or continuing pointe work. This class builds necessary technique specifically related to dancing on pointe. 


Variations:  In variations, we learn choreography from classical repertoire. We also offer workshops where we spend a detailed time on learning choreography and artistry of specific ballet variations 


Contemporary/Lyrical: This class is offered at an beginner/intermediate level, and offers adults an opportunity to work in a different way. We tailor the technique and moves to promote safety for the adult student. Contemporary/Lyrical is an important class as emerging choreographers are creating more and more contemporary ballet works. 


SHOWCASE: Students who are committed to the entire dance year through choosing the monthly pass, 10-class, or  20-class passes, are invited to perform in our annual showcase. 

Those electing to take class with us on a "drop-in" basis, and pay for single classes, will not be eligible to perform in the showcase. 





Absolute Beginner, 

0-1 Years of Experience

This class is an introduction to ballet fundamentals and French terminology, designed for adults who have no prior training or experience in ballet, or those who have been away for so long that they forget most of the moves and terminology. The class moves at a very slow, methodical pace so students can master the correct posture and begin building the correct proprioception and muscle memory.

Emphasis is placed on learning the correct posture (vertical alignment, neutral spine and pelvis), developing balance, strength and flexibility, and building French vocabulary. Additionally, students are introduced to fundamental music terms and rhythms.


Beginner 1

1+ Years of Experience

Level II:  Beginner is for dancers with limited previous ballet training or experience, but presupposes knowledge of fundamental French ballet terms. Level II builds upon the skills learned in Level I. Emphasis is placed on developing strength by working on demi-pointe, building head, arm, and body coordination through basic épaulement, basic turns and preparation for pirouettes. Linking steps are introduced in this level, as well as learning more positions of the feet and body. Students are prepared to enter Level III class through an emphasis on proficiency in ballet fundamentals.

Level III

Beginner 2

2+ Years of Experience

Level III begins introducing the dancer to épaulement, or coordination of the head, arms, and legs/feet.  More complex body and foot positions are studied. Exercises from Level II are done faster and at higher levels of complexity and difficulty. More complex linking steps are introduced and students begin working on pirouettes from 5th position both at the barre and center. Building strength, students in this level will begin to work more frequently on demi-pointe in both barre and centre.​


Intermediate 1

2+ Years of Experience

Intermediate I is designed to prepare students for advanced work. All combinations from level III are done with more rapidity, more complex combinations, and with higher difficulty. Pirouettes are introduced in second and later in 4th positions. Students should feel confident in executing simple coordination of the  head, arms, and legs. Emphasis is placed on building speed and precision in higher tempo combinations. In this level, students begin to focus on dynamics and quality of movement of each step (ie, accenting in or out, sharp or smooth movement)


Intermediate 2

3+ Years of Experience

This class is geared towards dancers who have either completed Level IV for a minimum of one year, OR who have 4+ more years of ballet training. This class focuses on executing fundamental ballet principles and steps from beginning of combination to the end of the combination with excellence. Students will work at building consistent double pirouettes in 5th, 4th, and 2nd positions, and begin working towards multiples. Exercises are at a fast-pace, with the high complexity. Emphasis is placed on precise articulation in the feet and arms. Exercises in both barre and centre are more choreographic and longer in length.


Advanced  1

4+ Years of Experience

Level VI is the first year of advanced technical training. Students in this level should have mastery of ballet fundamentals, ie, able to maintain turnout during complex barre and center exercises, understand accents and dynamics, have consistent double pirouettes in 5th, 4th and 2nd positions. Grand pirouettes are introduced at this level, as well as a study of fouetté tours. 

Highly complex linking steps are given to create choreographic, highly complex and detailed combinations in both barre and centre. 

Students are expected to be able to execute combinations without full demonstration by the teacher.

While artistry is developed in each level, artistic nuance is emphasized in this class. Students should expect to move with rapidity and precision, as well as be able to count complex tempos and musical rhythms.


Advanced 2/Professional

It is designed for highly advanced dancers/professionals looking for fun and challenging classes. Students continue working on upper level jumps and turns, in the most complex choreographic combinations at barre and centre. This class requires each student have mastered fundamentals and intermediate level technique and moves. Proficiency in basic musical terms and tempos is required, as well as a mastery of dynamics and quality of movement. Students should not expect to have combinations fully demonstrated, but rather, should be able to take verbal prompts.

2024-2025 Dance Year Schedule

Detailed Class Schedule to be announced Friday, August 2, 2024 by 6PM MDT

2024-2025 Dance Year Calendar Dates

November 27-December 1, 2024: Thanksgiving Break


December 15, 2024: No Weekend Classes:

Nutcracker Variation Workshop


December 22, 2024-January 5, 2025: Winter Break


January 6, 2025: Classes Resume


January 7-February 25, 2025: 8 Week Absolute Beginner "Ballet Boot Camp" 


April 18-21, 2025: Spring Break


May 24, 2025: Showcase, TBD dates, times, location. Showcase is dependent upon securing a venue.


2024-2025 Dance Year Dates
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